LeRoi Moore, saxophonist and co-composer for The Dave Matthews Band, died yesterday at the age of 46 from complications arising from an ATV accident June 30th. Talented motherfucker but honestly, with the exception that the loss of any human life is a tragedy, from a musical perspective I don't really give a shit. Dave Matthews is lowest common denominator pablum - music for the masses in the worst possible way. It's a shame to me that Moore chose such a vapid vehicle in which to express himself.
My opinion of Dave Matthews was not improved by the fact that the band went ahead and performed with the ringer who's been sitting in for Moore since his accident at The Staples Center last night, the night of Moore's death. Seems to me the death of a bandmate and, ostensibly, a friend would merit not a moment of silence, but an entire evening. Concerts can be rescheduled. Tribute shows can be planned. Dead bandmates aren't coming back. The lack of respect is reprehensible and certainly indicates where Dave Matthews priorities lie. It ain't with the music.
OH! MiseryCreek! I do so beg to differ! Of course, respectfully so, but my response is an attempt at trying to place your comments in check, although, chess is not my game. A coupla points, here, of Personal and Cultural Essence. Before I begin, I will agree that, yes, DMB SHOULD NOT have performed on the night of LeRoi’s death! Big, bad, no-no! However, oh, wise MiseryCreek, I must say this is the only point in your tirade I can find to agree upon.
Culturally: DMB was listened to by what I often refer to as “The Idiots Abroad” (TIA); Peeps that were into stupid shit, like DOB’s “Money” and Prodigy’s “Smack My Bitch Up” (I believe in Prodigy’s talents with lyrics, but all the borderline rapp-ish pre-programmed, push the button before the show, “music” I do not.) I was grateful for DMB to come along and show TIA that yes, you can love REAL music played on real instruments by REAL musicians. I have wonderful friends that loved DMB that also listened to Pop Radio. I was happy for them to be exposed to ACTUAL music, coming from a family of musicians, myself. I feel that DMB offered “them” the gift of insight into actual talent.
Personally: Let’s not beat ‘round the –bush-! HA! While I was single, after my divorce from a horrible person, I constantly masturbated to the song “Crash”, dreaming about the person I wanted to marry. This person and I have been together for 11years, now; married. I feel that this projection of my desire, using a particular song as a vehicle, did in fact play some part in my destiny. Ican no longer listen to "Crash", it just cracks me up! I know real music. DMB was real music; Corporate influence? Perhaps. . . but how the hell would I know? DMB, to me, was/is a statement confirming that “geeks rule the world”; Bill Gates, Steve WOZ, although not in the field of music, those peeps, they rule the world. Band geeks, as I can only assume, such as members of the DMB, were as they have always been, “Band Geeks”. I thank them for enlightening TIA to real music. Why they were so corporate is of no concern to me; I can only go by my personal experience, here.
The fact that you mentioned “I don’t give a shit” is painful. LeRoi was obviously talented. You, MiseryCreek, mentioned why did he stick w/ DMB? Well, any of those who loathe Kenny G. can answer that… Were LeRoi to strike out on his own, do you think his paycheck, his iconoclasm, his exposure, his opportunity to express his true talent, would have been as great? Do you think he would have developed ‘a following’? I think not. He got to play his shit, he got to be himself, and he got to get a notch or 2 above what he, perhaps, would have otherwise been destined for were it not for his TALENT.
I bid LeRoi farewell. I will listen to DMB today, as soon as I am done with this response. So, MiseryCreek, I thank you for the info about the death of LeRoi. It has reminded of DMB. I will listen so closely to the Sax today. Which, dissolves your point, I might say about how DMB is of the lowest common denominator, if for only, their fine saxophonist, LeRoi.
With love, AK GRae
I make no excuses or apologies for my opinions and philosophies. That your opinion differs, my beloved AK GRae, makes me happy and proud to have a reader and friend who also makes neither excuses nor apologies.
You raise a good point. At the time of DMBs success there was little AOR format music of any quality being produced, and the undeniably impressive musicianship af Mr. Matthews and his band certainly did serve as a reminder that music could be produced on traditional instruments without some marginally talented dipshit screaming his face off about the chick who dumped him when he was 15 over super overdriven uninventive "angry" music.
I have to stand by my point, though. I have had many an argument with people I respect over the merits of DMB, and no matter how many chances I give him I hear the elevator music of the future. The musicality is so over the top it's like hunting squirrels with a shotgun. I don't dig that. The lyrics, to me, are passionless and boring, which makes sense considering I find his material to be about boring, passionless things. I just can't help but hear the elevator music of the future when I hear his songs.
LeRoi clearly found his niche and I cannot imagine he would have started the band with Matthews and stuck with it for so long if he didn't enjoy it and find it satisfying, which is more than most people can take with them. I just think that somebody of his ability could have done something considerably more meaningful with his talent.
And I just can't help but think that anyone, no matter what their contract said, would play a gig the day that not just a founding member, but the first musician and friend recruited by Dave Matthews, died before his time has anything redeeming in their heart and soul. To me that casts any emotion or passion he may have written into his music that I just missed entirely suspect.
You know the whole thing about opinions and noses, AK Grae. I respect yours immensely. This kind of shit is one of the main reasons I enjoy doing this.
Love ya, Sister Rae
Oh, Misery Creek, yes, I see that you have me now in check! Now that you mention it, DMB probably IS the elevator music of the future. I don't know how the selling out of rights go, but... And, with shame that I couldn't stop it, so it "Stairway To Heaven" now elevator music and other greats. SO SAD!!!
Again, I fervently agree, there should have been no performance on the night of LeRoi's death!!! THAT was trashy, indeed!
I cannot agree that the lyrics are passionless, yet I can only go by the one CD I own by DMB...
"Crash" with is's tinkling orgasmic guitar.. ... I come into you... tie me up again... into your heart, I beat again...In a boy's dream...
"So Much To Say"... My hell is the closet I'm stuck inside... can't see the light... don't you talk about it... open up my head and let me out...
"Two Step" (my favorite song by DMB) ...You lay down to me and give me just what I am seeking...do you believe we may last 1,000 years?... tie me up, oh well..
"Lie In Our Graves" ...when I step into the light... would you not like to be sitting on top of the world with your legs hanging free?... Come up through my toes through my ankles, to my head, to my soul, I'm blown away...
Anyway, Misery Creek, this is what I love about DMB and now, as I listen to it as I write this, they had a fucking outrageous DRUMMER! Filled in any spaces that could be filled with BEAT, man, with BEAT to beat the band. I am figuring perhaps, it is Dave himself you despise? Well, as you know, those who are only lead singers, are, in fact, only lead singers... I still stand still, a line in my sand, for the expose of real music to the idiots!!! Yes...
Love you, Misery! Thank you!
~AK GRae
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